Hi, I'm Raphael.
I mainly spend my days running a software business called rami.io GmbH. Our products include the ticketing software pretix and the live event platform Venueless. I'm also a co-founder at abiapp.net.
I'm enthusiastic about open source software and you can find a lot of code written by me on GitHub.
If you like, you can follow what I'm up to on Mastodon and LinkedIn.
I live in Heidelberg, Germany. In my free tine, I like to help co-organize community events and participate in competitive ballroom dancing.
You can reach me by email at mail [at] raphaelmichel [dot] de and by traditional mail at
Raphael Michelc/o rami.io GmbH
Berthold-Mogel-Straße 1
69126 Heidelberg
I prefer email as a form of initial communication, but since German law requires me to have a phone on this website, feel free to call my company's office at +49 6221 321770.
I've regularly given public presentations about things I know about or wanted to learn about. Here are some of the more interesting examples:
Fast on my machine: How to debug slow requests in production
2024-06-07 at DjangoCon Europe, Vigo (English, YouTube) -
Building and scaling a live event platform with django-channels
2023-05-30 at DjangoCon Europe, Edinburgh (English, YouTube) -
Building a business on open-source applications
2022-03-17 at FOSS Backstage, online (English, YouTube) -
Security strategies for multi-tenant applications
2020-09-18 at DjangoCon Europe, online (English, YouTube) -
Building plugin ecosystems with Django
2019-04-12 at DjangoCon Europe, Copenhagen (English, YouTube)
Plugin architectures for Python web applications (Slides)
2017-10-25 at PyCon.DE, Karlsruhe (English, YouTube)
Automated Screenshots of web applications (Slides)
2017-08-24 at Chaostreff Heidelberg (German, YouTube)
2017-10-25 at PyCon.DE, Karlsruhe (English, YouTube) -
Data internationalization in Django (Slides)
2017-04-04 at DjangoCon Europe, Florence (English, YouTube)
2018-10-18 at DjangoCon US, San Diego (English, YouTube)
Occasionally, I appeared as a guest on podcasts:
- The Business of Open Source, 2024-08-21
- Talking Kotlin, 2024-07-03
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